Dropbox and Sync

Useful Arno, thank you.

This was all very helpful, thank you.

I have another question about synching … what is the benefit of/difference between synching to DropBox vs. WebDav? I’ve been wanting to move away from using DropBox for security reasons and I’m wondering if synching DevonThink via webdav essentially does the same thing as DropBox synching (let’s you synch databases when you’re in different locations, not on the same local netowork, etc), and whether it’s more secure (encrypted, etc) than DropBox synching?

Just trying to figure out what Dropbox synching does that webdav synching doesn’t.


WebDAV and DropBox (and all Syncs) are essentially the same but the details vary greatly under-the-hood. The benefit of DropBox is the ease of setup. WebDAV is a bit nerdier and may need some tweaks from you (if it’s your server) or more info from your provider if not.


I watched the Sync Tutorial first and followed it first before seeing this thread. I thought the Sync Tutorial was saying that you could put your DT database on Dropbox.

No such deal. You need to keep all instances of the same DT databases on the local computer and use Dropbox as a “store” of changes. These are what at synced.

Read all the posts here. Otherwise, you’ll do what I’ve done: spend three days trying to sort it out.

Pay attention to arnow » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:07 am. His suggestion to clean up the conflicted files via opening the database package in the finder can save you an hour or two.

DEVONthink: You need to change your tutorial. Or do a tinyurl link to this thread on the support page that describes the video. The info from the DT experts below is not in the tutorial and it should be.